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Elizabeth, like Jack, started out as a small-time thief, playing Robin Hood to feed and clothe the less-fourtunate. After 5 years of doing this, Z finally told Jack that she wanted to be a part of something bigger. She got her chance when the 2 were arrested by SPD. Commander Cruger offered to let them become Power Rangers or serve their time in jail. Z accepted right away, but Jack had to hear from Boom that evryone, even RIC, makes a difference. Elizabeth has the amazing power to multiply herself to outnumer opponents.


The Patrol Grips are used by the Blue, Pink, Yellow, and Green Rangers. Alone, they have no purpose, but they have immense firepower when combined with the Patrol Batons.


The Patrol Patons have immense sword strength. They are ther official SPD Sabers used only by the Power Rangers. They don't do much alone, but they have immense power when combined with the Patrol Grips.


The Deltamax Strikers are the laser combo of the Patrol Batons and Patrol Grips. They have immense firepower and can take down an army of Krybots at one time or even a regular monster. These are used only by the Power Rangers.