
Commander Anubis Cruger is the head of the entire SPD Orginization. He controls the A Squad,
B Squad, so on, so forth. He hired Boom to test new SPD Technology and he hired Kat to make the new technology. Something
big will happen later to Commander Cruger. Hint: He'll Be Getting His Own Page!

Kat is a human with cat-like features. She created all the morphers, weapons and zords used by the Power
Rangers. She is by far, the smartest person out of everyone working at SPD. Her full name is Dr. Katherine Manx.

5 years ago, Boom was a student at SPD, but he flunked out after 3 days. However, Commander Cruger saw enough
potential in him to keep him around to test out Kat's newest technology included the Morphers, Weapons, and Vehicles used
by the rangers. Something big is coming Booms way. Hint: He'll Be Getting His Own Page!
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