Schuyler Tate
Sky Page 2

Sky Tate is the son of a very famous Red Ranger. He leads B Squad into battle. His hobbies are catching
theives and training at the SPD Academy. He eventually brought in the two Parkington Area theives, Jack and Z. He was very
upset when he became the Blue Ranger since his father was the Red Ranger. His power: Create Invisible ForceFields To Block
Out Enemies. He agrees that even though Jack wears Red, he is not the SPD team leader.

The Patrol Grips are used by the Blue, Pink, Yellow, and Green Rnagers. Alone, they have no
purpose, but they have immense firepower when combined with the Patrol Batons.

The Patrol Patons have immense sword strength. They are ther official SPD Sabers used only by the Power
Rangers. They don't do much alone, but they have immense power when combined with the Patrol Grips.